Friday, January 15, 2010
" Serving Up A Dish Called .... God's Love "
" Discipline, not desire, determines behavior ". I think this message
can also be conveyed, in a way, through the story on ' serving God
through the local church', that i feel led to share...
Allthough God has blessed me with 7 years of service in the church's
junior and senior high ministries, it's through my story of becoming
(and being) an usher, that i trust God will use in the heart's of
others, who might be considering " what it means" to serve God through
our church. Hopefully, it might also provide a bit of insight as to
how ... when we seek to serve serving others... He can '
sharpen and refine ' our spiritual gifts He gives us.
As background, i never really saw myself as the 'usher type'. When i
first started attended cccc some 9 years ago ( and, subsequently ,
accepted Christ as my saviour 7 years ago ) i remember sitting in my
chair, listening to the messages and seeing these "old guys" walking
up and down the isle. Sometimes, they wouls stop and stand beside me,
and make me nervous. Other times, they would come up and hand me the
offering bag, and i would frekishly imagine them staring down at me in
judgement, if i passed it along. Needless to say, it was NOT a
comforting impression.
Let me fast forward now.... Two years ago, when the church announced
it's intention to open a "west side campus", and was asking for an
increased financial commitment from members to support this effort, i
felt bad that i could not. I had just lost my job of 23 years, and was
uncertain how i was going to provide. Regular tithing occured, but i
couldn't fathom a larger financial sacrifice. One night, while in
prayer about this, i felt God leaning me to be obedient to this
effort, in some regard. Then, He showed me what i was to do; Volunteer
to serve as an usher, since the Egret Bay Campus would be losing
ushers ( in the form of some, who would be moving to the new campus ).
Yes... agads... i would commit to being one of those "old guys",
spooking people out, up and down the isle !!
At first, it was something i began doing "by rote". Seeing people as "
those needing a seat " and "robotically" taking the offering, when
called to do so. As the months progressed, however, a funny thing
began to happen. God began to " shine a light on " peoples faces, and
gradually gave me comforting and encouraging words to share. There
were the husbands, who came with a constipated look... as if the only
reason they were there was because the wifey " made them ". There were
those that showed up heartbroken...disappeared awhile when things got
better...only to return when times became tough, again. There were the
regulars, who sought out seats up close, and those that made great
strides just to come at all, and were comfortable surrendering to a
"rear view" seat. In all such instances, God taught me how to minister
to them, and gave me comforting words for each. It has slowly, over
the last two years, become one of my favorite "serves", and it would
take something "mighty big" to make me miss being there to do so.
I would also add this... when we step out and do become disciplined in
our commitment to serve, God will not only "use" us, but "multiply the
ministry" as well. From ushering, God gave me the "pen" ministry (
passing out pens to engage those He shows me need it)...and the "
smiley face " ministry (drawing smiley faces on kids faces, when their
frowns might be turned "upside down", and..finally...the " no pen left
behind " ministry ( where i take a pen or two, and leave them at a
local restaurant or Starbucks, in hope that someone will find it, and
come to church). It's truly been a fun, amazing thing to watch...and i
can't wait to see how God uses me next!
I'll close with this thought.... Whether it's in the area of youth
ministry, or as an usher. God wants to use our personalities and
history of brokenness, to shape our spiritual gifts. I was a "messed
up teen", so God has placed me in youth's lives, to share and serve
Him by using my story. God know i love connecting with people, so used
The Holy Spirit to learn to serve Him as an usher here at church.
Maybe you're not sure of your spiritual gift...ot how God can use you
in service to Him. My suggestion would be to just pick a ministry, be
obedient and...serve. God will do the rest !
In HIM,always....
Monday, July 13, 2009
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's "deep thinkin" time (for me...maybe it just means...thinking..LOL). Thise week, i think God's theme for me is change; Life change, spiritual change( or,is the correct term "mortification"), relational change. The courage to "accept it", or more appropriately "not run from it".
It's happening anyway,isn't it? Not much my human...male..faulty self can do about it anyway...AS IF!!!! Anyways back to the subject of "change". God has used a few events of this past week to raise the subject in my heart/mind,and give it introspective consideration.
LAST FRIDAY night i took my daughters,Brooke and Alison, to a concert. It wasn't the concert that "rocked my world", rather the realization that my daughters are growing up fast now! How...seemingly overnight...they've gone from "tweeners", then "teeners",now, just beautiful young women-to-be. So classy,and elegant..with hair and hearts of gold. They are changing, and i see it in them, and through them "in me", and..more importantly.."In HIM".
2nd Corinthians 5:17 comes into my heart.. " Therefore, if anyone is 'in Christ" he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come".
Yes, the NEW HAS COME, and is "ever coming". There's nothing i can do about it,except embrace it,and move ever-closer to it.
ALSO..this past Sunday..Yancey Arrington(my church's teaching pastor") gave an incredible message! One with the main point being "Belief Over Behavior". a single,twice-divorced man, i've felt( and feel) the stinging defeat he referenced. Defeat, in the form of one's inability to root out sin. My sins of lust,covetedness and idolitry..which are indwelling so deep,that i've felt discouraged time and time again,for not being able to reduce them on my own.
His sermon gave me hope on that subject, and made me understand..for the first time..that "change" comes most powerfully when we trust in God's "inward manifestations of change". The inward change that comes when we fully embrace what Jesus did on the cross, and how The Gospel changed me...even if,daily, i can't see it myself. Like it is written in the following scripture:
2nd Corinthians 4:18 " As we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal"
So..i ask myself.. Do i want "transient change" or eternal? Like i really have a choice, what with God being the one in charge...not me!!!
Yes...Belief Over Behavior! It IS starting to make sense, and becomes more freeing..and strengthening...daily now. The more i "attempt" behavioral change, the more frustrated i get..but the more God solidifies my belief in Jesus restorative actions on the cross..the more i do change,from the inside out.
Change comes no matter what. Spiritual change in the form of growing faith and trust in my God,my maker, my Father. Trust in HIM, and what he is doing in my life. Relational change...not in the form of "relationships", rather how God is using me in the lives of others. I how i relate to, and he uses me to help..others. And...yes..visible change, i sit here and look at a picture of my daughters and me 5 years ago, and one from this past weekend. I don't "visibly" see much change in myself, but by looking at them i see evidence of change. Visible...yet invisible.
Just like our faith. What a coincidence.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
THREE GOOD BOOKS.............
Anyways...when someone i just know is in an intimate,close relationship with God, i usually make it a point to listen to/act on, their advice. I also am apt to pay attention when they suggest a book,scripture or other "source material" directed at me.
In the last several months, i have been so directed to three books that have brought me cloeser to my Maker, made me think in a different way, or simply inspired me to press onward in my attempt to gain a more intimate relationship "in Christ".
Here are the three books...
"Layman Look Up" - An excellent overview of the concept of "marketplace ministry".
" Choosing God's Best" - A "relationship application" book of the very best!
" The Reason for God " - Tim Keller's insightfull book on missional aspects of Christianity.
For anyone desiring to spend some of your summertime learning,growing and reaching...these books are all awesome!
In HIM,always...
Sunday, March 30, 2008
WINDING ROADS ..... God will lead us to a particular point,subject or aspect of our life "In HIM", if we’re open to looking for it, listening, and practiced at taking our spiritual "blinders" off..when he does.
Yes..i’ve spoken about this practice reader beware! :O)
I love Bonnie Somerville’s song, "Winding Road". I discovered it(or..err..God revealed it to me) the other night, while watching the movie "Garden State". Instantly falling for the melody, and then coming to fancy the lyrics,alot. Here’s a sampling..
"’s a winding road, i’ve been walking for a long time, i still don’t know where it goes. It’s a long way home..i’ve been searching for a long time, i’m gonna find my way home"
Some doors have closed, and new one’s have opened. Some friendships have cooled or dissapated..other,new ones, have begun. Ministries that once seemed my life,seem less important now. Ministries i never even knew existed,have begun..and the passion for them increases and unfolds,daily. God is freak’n amazing! He keeps us moving and changing,always.
While conteplating all this, i was..for some reason..directed to Luke Chptr 24,verses 13-36. The passages cover "The Walk to Emmaus", and are basicly about two men walking..discouraged..contemplating Jesus crucifiction, and a hopelessness that came from that. How Jesus appeared as a stranger,allowed them to confide their emotions to Him.Jesus allowed them their emotions, a certain point..revealed himself to them, and the glory that came with His death and resurrection.
There’s a "tie in" here somewhere, as i just don’t believe that God opens a door..or takes us on our "winding roads", without desiring to teach us something. For the men walking to Emmaus, it was a road to an "awareness of faith". I think..perhaps..the same could be said for this little journey of mine. There have been times when i really wondered about God’s purpose for all he’s done to,with and for me..these last few months. Why he brought someone to me,who i thought was the bride he had in mind..then took her away? Why he stripped me of my job( my proffesional "identity"), and didn’t..right away..deliver me another? Why he’s cooled long-standing friendships, and replaced them with others?
I couldn’t for the life of me,see his reasoning,while "in the thick" of it..but i am starting to have an It’s about character..and perserverance..and strengthening of, and reliance on,faith. It’s about HIM teaching me to "really" be a Godly man, and giving me the experiences to now "life it our" on a new,different,level. Again..God is amazing!
Well..i’ll sum it up in this scripture ( Luke 24:32) " They said to each other, Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures"
I love that! Thank you God, for speaking to me. For leading me to the movie...which led me to the song...which led me to thoughts of you..which led me to scripture...wich led to Godly wisdom, and encouragement.
It IS a winding road...for all of us! I challenge the reader to,also, always look,be open to and understand that God will show you, and provide clarity, through many mediums...if we’ll just let him, and follow where it leads.
In HIM,forever...
Jerry :O)
Friday, March 14, 2008
The sun's warmth starts to become a daily occurance. People just seem to have an extra "bounce" in their step. More smiles abound, and greet us as we go about our daily duties.
Mostly though, i just enjoy being amazed at how God brings a natural resurgence, in the form of "mother nature" ; with clover taking over yards, trees starting to bud again, and the return of small creatures...everywhere! It makes me think of resurrection in general, a believer and lover of Christ, only leads me to thoughts of Easter's truest meaning, Jesus' resurrection..and how it brought a "new life" to us all!
Every year at this time, i just seem to regain enthusiasm, and heart. When it comes to serving others, and my love for Jesus. This year..i am marveling at the path God has me on, and the people he has brought into my life. What an amazing God!
I guess i'll close this thought with a poem that my sister wrote several years ago..before she passed away. I love it...and hope the reader does too....
Easter Day
By Danna Hope Hale
I love to wake on Easter Day
And ponder God’s redeeming way
A lamb – to live and die, and then
A stone to move – and life again
“He is not here,” the angel said,
For He has risen from the dead.”
Will you believe this in your heart?
Will you believe and do your part? –
To go into the world and preach
To all creation, and to teach
That Jesus lives and through His name
Our lives will never be the same!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

" I'll stand, with arms high and heart upended, in awe..of the one who gave it all. So i'll stand , my soul Lord to you surrendered , all i am is yours."
IT RESONATES ... it shines a light on the many ways i fail to truly... really... honor God with all i do ! In my daily i "sometimes" treat and speak to others...but, equally important, my thought life towards others,as well.
Father God, let me actually love you so much that i want to, and can, have my thought and active life match the words to this song. I pray that you'll remove any hard-hearted views,bitterness or resentment toward others from my heart. Let me further surrender my soul to you Lord and, even if it's not "felt" now, lift up others and ask that you glorify their lives and grow all of us, together, in your Son's likeness.
".... So i walk upon salvation, your spirit alive in me. This life to declare your promise, my soul now to Stand. So what could i say? What could i do? But offer this heart o God...completely to you."
THAT'S a nutshell. Perfectly quoted in that song verse. I DO offer this heart to you Lord ....and invite you to just keep on transforming it.
In HIM,always....