Funny...how God will lead us to a particular point,subject or aspect of our life "In HIM", if we’re open to looking for it, listening, and practiced at taking our spiritual "blinders" off..when he does.
Yes..i’ve spoken about this practice before..so reader beware! :O)
I love Bonnie Somerville’s song, "Winding Road". I discovered it(or..err..God revealed it to me) the other night, while watching the movie "Garden State". Instantly falling for the melody, and then coming to fancy the lyrics,alot. Here’s a sampling..
" ..it’s a winding road, i’ve been walking for a long time, i still don’t know where it goes. It’s a long way home..i’ve been searching for a long time, i’m gonna find my way home"
Some doors have closed, and new one’s have opened. Some friendships have cooled or dissapated..other,new ones, have begun. Ministries that once seemed my life,seem less important now. Ministries i never even knew existed,have begun..and the passion for them increases and unfolds,daily. God is freak’n amazing! He keeps us moving and changing,always.
While conteplating all this, i was..for some reason..directed to Luke Chptr 24,verses 13-36. The passages cover "The Walk to Emmaus", and are basicly about two men walking..discouraged..contemplating Jesus crucifiction, and a hopelessness that came from that. How Jesus appeared as a stranger,allowed them to confide their emotions to Him.Jesus allowed them their emotions,then..at a certain point..revealed himself to them, and the glory that came with His death and resurrection.
There’s a "tie in" here somewhere, as i just don’t believe that God opens a door..or takes us on our "winding roads", without desiring to teach us something. For the men walking to Emmaus, it was a road to an "awareness of faith". I think..perhaps..the same could be said for this little journey of mine. There have been times when i really wondered about God’s purpose for all he’s done to,with and for me..these last few months. Why he brought someone to me,who i thought was the bride he had in mind..then took her away? Why he stripped me of my job( my proffesional "identity"), and didn’t..right away..deliver me another? Why he’s cooled long-standing friendships, and replaced them with others?
I couldn’t for the life of me,see his reasoning,while "in the thick" of it..but i am starting to have an idea..now. It’s about character..and perserverance..and strengthening of, and reliance on,faith. It’s about HIM teaching me to "really" be a Godly man, and giving me the experiences to now "life it our" on a new,different,level. Again..God is amazing!
Well..i’ll sum it up in this scripture ( Luke 24:32) " They said to each other, Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures"
I love that! Thank you God, for speaking to me. For leading me to the movie...which led me to the song...which led me to thoughts of you..which led me to scripture...wich led to Godly wisdom, and encouragement.
It IS a winding road...for all of us! I challenge the reader to,also, always look,be open to and understand that God will show you, and provide clarity, through many mediums...if we’ll just let him, and follow where it leads.
In HIM,forever...
Jerry :O)