Monday, July 13, 2009


I awoke this morning, and thought about how long it has been since i "exercised" my writing skills, or posted anything on my blog...soooo...

God has been so good to me lately. 2008 was such a transition year (work,relationships,et al..), and 2009 started with so many unanswered questions. What was going on with this fledgling real estate career? Where was the "next" adventure God wanted to take me on? seems..does God not bring me my "heart's desire" the form of an amazing,Christ-loving soulmate? Where is he taking me...and why? Like i many questions, and hardly an answer to be found.

Well.. over the last many weeks, HE is beginning to answer many of the questions that,so, perplexed me.
 For example...i "know" that he wants me to persevere, in looking to help people find a home, or sell theirs. I wake up every day and ask him to bring me people to help,and share The Gospel with..whenever possible. The leave to God. I also can see he brings people in my life to do exactly that..he shows me that "marketplace ministry" IS what it is ALL about.
 Secondly, God is growing my heart for helping teenagers and broken men learn how to "life out" their faith. Daily...i see him using me in powerful ways,in that regard.
 Finally...when it comes to the whole "heart's desire" thing, HE is teaching me to trust HIM,on a whole new level. Like the song says.." While I'm Waiting".

Which brings me to the "subject line", and point of, this blog;

As God grows me, and shapes my heart in the way that HE wants, i think of the men HE has brought into my life. Good, Godly men..with strength, hearts of gold, and with a strong sense of who they are,and their own purposes God gave them. He teaches example, through the mentors he brings into my life! How awesome is that!
 So...on this day..i want to recognize a few of them, and thank God for bringing them into my life...

1. Bruce Wesley- Who prayed for years before i came to faith, that i would. An awesome example of what a God-directed dad,husband and friend,looks like.

2. Steve Jackson- Someone who came into my life, when i took a leap of faith and started investigating what a "missional life" looks like. Someone with inner strength,humbleness, and a good husband and strong Christian man. He's awesome!

3. Chuck Gussler- Like Steve,above, a man i can look up to, and learn what it means to follow God..everyday, and seek HIS wisdom. Someone who is also an awesome husband, father and friend. A man who's passion for helping others..and a willingness to to "go the extra mile" for God, is unprecedented. Another great mentor, and friend to look up to.

4. Greg Poore- I would never leave him off a list like this. From the day i got off the floor in his office..after accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior..he has continued tobe an amazing example to me. An example of what an incredible husband and spiritual leader can look like. A sweet modesty that is so unique in this world of ours. Every time i see him, God reminds me of that day...when i surrendered everything, and jumped off the ledge.

5. Jim Coffey- Allthough we approach our walks a bit differently, Jim has ALWAYS been there for me! A true "2 am friend", and a great example of what it means to hold onto your convictions, and "life out" one's faith. Like the others...a super husband,dad,disciple and...friend.

6. Chad Clarkson- What a blessing it was, the day God brought him into my life, and allowed me to call him "friend". He's taken the time,to be used by God to grow my heart for missions. Seeing how awesome he is as a husband to his wife...and the passion he has to serve the Lord and expand the Gospel across the world, has been an inspiration,and example to me..and so many others. I wonder if he knows how he's impacted my life.

 Well...i could probably add another few to this list, but i'll stop at those. God is so awesome for bringing these men into my life. I be the kind of mentor to others, that these guys have been to me.

I'll close by passing on this tidbit of wisdom, as a result. If you want to truly grow your faith...ask God to bring men into your own life. Men who can "water the seeds that God has thrown around you". When...and will, i think you'll reflect back (as i have here) someday on how, even more, amazing God working in your life.

In HIM,always...
