Friday, January 15, 2010

" Serving Up A Dish Called .... God's Love "

In a recent message series, Bruce made the following emphatic point,
" Discipline, not desire, determines behavior ". I think this message
can also be conveyed, in a way, through the story on ' serving God
through the local church', that i feel led to share...

Allthough God has blessed me with 7 years of service in the church's
junior and senior high ministries, it's through my story of becoming
(and being) an usher, that i trust God will use in the heart's of
others, who might be considering " what it means" to serve God through
our church. Hopefully, it might also provide a bit of insight as to
how ... when we seek to serve serving others... He can '
sharpen and refine ' our spiritual gifts He gives us.

As background, i never really saw myself as the 'usher type'. When i
first started attended cccc some 9 years ago ( and, subsequently ,
accepted Christ as my saviour 7 years ago ) i remember sitting in my
chair, listening to the messages and seeing these "old guys" walking
up and down the isle. Sometimes, they wouls stop and stand beside me,
and make me nervous. Other times, they would come up and hand me the
offering bag, and i would frekishly imagine them staring down at me in
judgement, if i passed it along. Needless to say, it was NOT a
comforting impression.

Let me fast forward now.... Two years ago, when the church announced
it's intention to open a "west side campus", and was asking for an
increased financial commitment from members to support this effort, i
felt bad that i could not. I had just lost my job of 23 years, and was
uncertain how i was going to provide. Regular tithing occured, but i
couldn't fathom a larger financial sacrifice. One night, while in
prayer about this, i felt God leaning me to be obedient to this
effort, in some regard. Then, He showed me what i was to do; Volunteer
to serve as an usher, since the Egret Bay Campus would be losing
ushers ( in the form of some, who would be moving to the new campus ).
Yes... agads... i would commit to being one of those "old guys",
spooking people out, up and down the isle !!

At first, it was something i began doing "by rote". Seeing people as "
those needing a seat " and "robotically" taking the offering, when
called to do so. As the months progressed, however, a funny thing
began to happen. God began to " shine a light on " peoples faces, and
gradually gave me comforting and encouraging words to share. There
were the husbands, who came with a constipated look... as if the only
reason they were there was because the wifey " made them ". There were
those that showed up heartbroken...disappeared awhile when things got
better...only to return when times became tough, again. There were the
regulars, who sought out seats up close, and those that made great
strides just to come at all, and were comfortable surrendering to a
"rear view" seat. In all such instances, God taught me how to minister
to them, and gave me comforting words for each. It has slowly, over
the last two years, become one of my favorite "serves", and it would
take something "mighty big" to make me miss being there to do so.

I would also add this... when we step out and do become disciplined in
our commitment to serve, God will not only "use" us, but "multiply the
ministry" as well. From ushering, God gave me the "pen" ministry (
passing out pens to engage those He shows me need it)...and the "
smiley face " ministry (drawing smiley faces on kids faces, when their
frowns might be turned "upside down", and..finally...the " no pen left
behind " ministry ( where i take a pen or two, and leave them at a
local restaurant or Starbucks, in hope that someone will find it, and
come to church). It's truly been a fun, amazing thing to watch...and i
can't wait to see how God uses me next!

I'll close with this thought.... Whether it's in the area of youth
ministry, or as an usher. God wants to use our personalities and
history of brokenness, to shape our spiritual gifts. I was a "messed
up teen", so God has placed me in youth's lives, to share and serve
Him by using my story. God know i love connecting with people, so used
The Holy Spirit to learn to serve Him as an usher here at church.
Maybe you're not sure of your spiritual gift...ot how God can use you
in service to Him. My suggestion would be to just pick a ministry, be
obedient and...serve. God will do the rest !

In HIM,always....