Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Years Resolutions

My New Years Resolutions...........'s a new year ! We all get the chance to "wipe the slate clean" and begin again. I'm thinking about my goals,dreams and purposes for '08.

Generally speaking, i want to surrender more to God, and make HIS, for me, my own. To fully trust HIS plan for me. To be "sealed" in the idea that He DOES want me glorifying HIM, and by me doing so..will have a fantastic plan for me. Soooo...on to the specifics...

1. RELATIONALLY - For the past many months, i've thought God was speaking to me, and saying i WILL be getting married in '08. I'm beginning to think he wasn't specificaly speaking "marraige"(allthough this still might be the case), rather just bringing into my life( or manifesting it with someone i already know) the woman who will eventually become my bride. Mostly, HE knows that as my hearts desire, so "i" don't have to "do" anything. HE will do it for me...when HE is ready. That's cool!

2. PREPARATION - God is growing me, and praparing me... to accomplish great things for HIM, this year. I'm being given the chance to give 5 sermons in junior high in '08 ( and am already preparing for that). I'll be evaluated after each one, and am asking God to speak into my heart, if he wants me pursuing a vision of becoming a pastor. I hope so, but only if it is what HE wants for my life. I am committed to becoming an ardent follower, a humble servant, and more Godly, obedient man and, again, let HIM take care of the rest.

3. SANCTIFICATION - I am human, and still have so many faults and "fleshiness" for HIM to work on. I interrupt too much, tend to drift into "me-ness" too frequently, have remnants of lust in my heart, and am lonely, too much. These all speak to spiritual "softness"...and i'm asking God to continue HIS work in me, in this regard. I want to fully trust,rely on, and have faith in HIM to work in (and on) me. I want my believer friends to hold me accountable in all these areas. I want to be "all about" HIM, and not "all about" me.

4. LOVE,LOVE,LOVE - I love "love". I want to love God more, my daughters more, and my family and friends,more. I'm asking God to completely seal me in my love for HIM, so i'm not so quick to incorrectly "fall in love" again with another. To not just use "emotion" when i interpret the woman i fall for as being sent "from" God, rather ask God to give me powers of reason and spiritual discernment in making a decision to do so. I pray that God has taught me powerful lessons as to how to better go about it, the next time. Sooo '08 ...i'm asking God to speak clearly,hold me close, and not let me confuse my "wants", with HIS "needs", for me.

5. APPLICATION - This is where i get to give up '08 to HIM. All of my items no.'s 1 through 4 are HIS, not mine. I need to remember this, and continue to press inward in my relationship with HIM. Read my Bible more often, pray more specificaly. Name what i desire "in Christ" and claim what i want "in Christ".

Thank you Jesus, for giving me the experiences you did in '07, so that it will make me better serve '08 !!In HIM,Jerry :O)

1 comment:

dolfina said...

I love this new posting by you. It is inspiring and loving, which you are in every way!