
As i sit here at the computer...listening. Listening..to the words of Hillsong United's song "The Stand", it just humbles me so freak'n much. Making me see ... so clearly... how i do really fall short...but desire so much " not to".
It's quiet in my house tonight, with Brooke asleep, the t.v. off , and nothing but me. Me sitting here, earbuds in my ears , my ipod blazing with these words(and chorus).....
" I'll stand, with arms high and heart upended, in awe..of the one who gave it all. So i'll stand , my soul Lord to you surrendered , all i am is yours."
IT RESONATES ... it shines a light on the many ways i fail to truly... really... honor God with all i do ! In my daily life...how i "sometimes" treat and speak to others...but, equally important, my thought life towards others,as well.
Father God, let me actually love you so much that i want to, and can, have my thought and active life match the words to this song. I pray that you'll remove any hard-hearted views,bitterness or resentment toward others from my heart. Let me further surrender my soul to you Lord and, even if it's not "felt" now, lift up others and ask that you glorify their lives and grow all of us, together, in your Son's likeness.
".... So i walk upon salvation, your spirit alive in me. This life to declare your promise, my soul now to Stand. So what could i say? What could i do? But offer this heart o God...completely to you."
THAT'S IT...in a nutshell. Perfectly quoted in that song verse. I DO offer this heart to you Lord ....and invite you to just keep on transforming it.
In HIM,always....